css - maintain Menu Item selected state -
i have menu in asp.net page.the menuitem , url loading dynamically code behind during ispostback=false . after clicked on of menu item, selected item background color changed , after directing url, selected state cleared. i tried code below , not work.the css class not applied item after postback dim s2 string = request.querystring("sub") each item menuitem in menu1.items if item.text = s2 item.selected = true exit end if next <asp:menu id="menu1" runat="server" role="tablist" orientation="horizontal" cssclass="nav nav-pills" forecolor="black" renderingmode="list" includestyleblock="false"> <%-- <statichoverstyle cssclass="focus" />--%> <staticmenustyle cssclass="nav nav-pills"/> <staticmenuitemstyle cssclass...