java - MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2495 -

i want receive messages ibm mq based on java. write simple code test want. here sample code below.

    const.mq_qmanager = "qm.creditweb3t.pc";     const.mq_queue_receive = "mq.airports";      mqsimpleconnectionmanager myconnman = new mqsimpleconnectionmanager();     myconnman.setactive(mqsimpleconnectionmanager.mode_auto);      mqqueuemanager qmgr = new mqqueuemanager(const.mq_qmanager,                     myconnman); 

when new mqqueuemanager. it’s throw error message.

error message

mqje001: completion code '2', reason '2495'

may me figure out what’s wrong here? lot.

(1) 1st posting requesting connection queue manager in "bindings mode". means must run code on same server queue manager running.

(2) 2nd posting requesting connection queue manager in "client mode" (over network i.e.tcp/ip). means can run code on remote server , connect remote queue manager using network.


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