excel - Best methods to reference a user function in a macro -


i have user function saved:

function alphanumericonly(strsource string) string     dim integer     dim strresult string      = 1 len(strsource)         select case asc(mid(strsource, i, 1))             case 48 57, 65 90, 97 122: 'include 32 if want include space                 strresult = strresult & mid(strsource, i, 1)         end select     next     alphanumericonly = strresult end function 

i call user function in macros run (checking open in macro). issue i'm having when need share macro references user.

i of course copy user function , send along copy of macro, save locally , adjust macro check local copy open. seems quite long winded.

could offer suggestions? wondering if somehow embed user function in macro, or store centrally how. web searching , asking around has drawn blank on one.

thank you.

please see complete macro along user function @ end:

option explicit public const csformula = "=concatenate(""agsbis"",if(i2=0,"""",concatenate(upper(alphanumericonly(left(i2,3))),upper(alphanumericonly(right(i2,3))))),if(o2=0,"""",upper(alphanumericonly(substitute(o2,""0"","""")))),if(r2=0,"""",upper(alphanumericonly(substitute(r2,""0"","""")))),if(w2=0,"""",upper(alphanumericonly(substitute(w2,""0"","""")))),if(ac2=0,"""",alphanumericonly(substitute(ac2,""0"",""""))),if(ad2=0,"""",substitute(substitute(substitute(ad2,""-"",""x""),""."",""y""),""0"",""z"")),if(af2=0,"""",substitute(substitute(substitute(af2,""-"",""x""),""."",""y""),""0"",""z"")),if(ah2=0,"""",substitute(substitute(substitute(ah2,""-"",""x""),""."",""y""),""0"",""z"")))"  sub ageasbis()      dim lr                      long     dim cl                      range     dim rng                     range     dim mssg                    string     dim ws                      worksheet     dim savetodirectory         string     dim dateformat              string     dim statementname           string     dim organisation            string     dim errormessage            string     dim errormessagetitle       string     dim completemessage         string     dim completemessagetitle    string     dim userfunctionslocation   string     dim savelocation            string      dateformat = format(cstr(now), "yyyy_mm_dd_hhmmss_")      errormessagetitle = "invalid date format"     errormessage = "there invalid date value(s) in following cell(s). please check these cells."      completemessagetitle = "statement preparation"     completemessage = "statement preparation complete. file has been saved , processed part of next scheduled upload."      statementname = "age_bts"     organisation = "bts"      ' save locations     '*location of old user function* userfunctionslocation = "c:\users\user.name\appdata\roaming\microsoft\addins\userfunctions.xla"     savelocation = "s:\mi\gre_cac\statement_feeds\waiting_to_upload\"       set ws = activesheet          application.screenupdating = false      workbooks.open filename:=userfunctionslocation  'clears formats sheet     ws         .cells.clearformats     end  'standardises fonts     ws.cells.font         .name = "calibri"         .size = 10         .bold = false     end       ws 'cleans non_printable characters data (excluding date columns) & removes "'" & "," 'trims insurer comments field ensure maximum of 500 characters          lr = .range("i" & rows.count).end(xlup).row          set rng = union(.range("c2:aa" & lr), .range("ad2:ao" & lr), .range("am2:am" & lr))         each cl in rng             if cl.column = 39 'column gets left() truncation                 cl = left(worksheetfunction.trim(worksheetfunction.clean(cl.value)), 500)                 cl = worksheetfunction.substitute(cl.value, "'", "")                 cl = worksheetfunction.substitute(cl.value, ",", "")             else                 cl = worksheetfunction.trim(worksheetfunction.clean(cl.value))                 cl = worksheetfunction.substitute(cl.value, "'", "")                 cl = worksheetfunction.substitute(cl.value, ",", "")             end if             next cl  'format invoice_date, effective_date & spare_date dd/mm/yyyy             union(.range("ab1:ab" & lr), .range("ac1:ac" & lr), .range("ap1:ap" & lr)).numberformat = "dd/mm/yyyy"  'formats numerical fields "0.00"             union(.range("ad2:al" & lr), .range("ao2:ao" & lr)).numberformat = "0.00"  'add statement name             range("a2:a" & lr).formular1c1 = statementname  'add organisation name             range("d2:d" & lr).formular1c1 = organisation  'adds formula generate unique key (from declared constant)              range("b2:b" & lr).formula = csformula             range("b2:b" & lr) = range("b2:b" & lr).value  'auto-fit columns     ws         .columns.autofit     end  'checks date values present in invoice_date, effective_date & spare_date             set rng = union(.range("ab2:ab" & lr), .range("ac2:ac" & lr), .range("ap2:ap" & lr))             each cl in rng                 if not isdate(cl.value) , not isempty(cl) _                 mssg = mssg & cl.address(0, 0) & space(4)                 next cl              end  'if non-date values found display message box showing cell locations             if cbool(len(mssg))                 msgbox (errormessage & chr(10) & chr(10) & _                 mssg & chr(10) & chr(10)), vbcritical, errormessagetitle  'otherwise display message statement preparation complete             else                 msgbox completemessage, , completemessagetitle             end if   'save location .csv savetodirectory = savelocation  'uses set dateformat , save lovation          ws.saveas savetodirectory & dateformat & statementname, xlcsv         set rng = nothing             set ws = nothing             application.screenupdating = true           activeworkbook.close savechanges:=false           end sub  function alphanumericonly(strsource string) string     dim integer     dim strresult string      = 1 len(strsource)         select case asc(mid(strsource, i, 1))             case 48 57, 65 90, 97 122: 'include 32 if want include space                 strresult = strresult & mid(strsource, i, 1)         end select     next     alphanumericonly = strresult end function 

working through comments: try adding tempvalue before select case

function alphanumericonly(strsource string) string     dim integer     dim strresult string     dim tempvalue integer      = 1 len(strsource)         tempvalue = asc(mid(strsource, i, 1))         select case tempvalue             case 48 57, 65 90, 97 122: 'include 32 if want include space                 strresult = strresult & mid(strsource, i, 1)         end select     next     alphanumericonly = strresult end function 


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