java - How to process all nodes in a Nodelist -

i trying process nodes in node list , replace special characters in text.

the issue face need return object contains values replaced. if use recursion not possible return value right?

how can iterate xml nodelist processing elements , removing special characters? apporach @ moment this

public static ixmldatagram removeillegalcharsfromdatagram(ixmldatagram dg, string[] illegalvalues) {     nodelist nodelist = dg.getasdomelement().getelementsbytagname("*");     (int = 0 ; < nodelist.getlength() ; i++)     {         node node = nodelist.item(i);         if (node.getnodetype() == node.element_node)         {              for(string replacechar : illegalvalues)             {                 // current element                 if(node.gettextcontent().contains(replacechar))                 {                     node.settextcontent(node.gettextcontent().replace(replacechar, ""));                 }             }         }     }     return dg; } 

but doesn't take account of child nodes change regularly in these documents , nested quite deep


a recursion simplest approach deep processing of doms:

public static void removeillegalcharsfromdatagram(ixmldatagram dg,         string[] illegalvalues) {     node root = dg.getasdomelement().getdocumentelement();     removeillegal(illegalvalues, root); } private static void removeillegal(string[] illegalvalues, node root) {     nodelist nodelist = root.getchildnodes();     (int = 0; < nodelist.getlength(); i++) {         node node = nodelist.item(i);          removeillegal(illegalvalues,node);//<-- call every child          if (node.getnodetype() == node.element_node) {              (string replacechar : illegalvalues) {                 // current element                 if (node.gettextcontent().contains(replacechar)) {                     node.settextcontent(node.gettextcontent().replace(                             replacechar, ""));                 }             }         }     } } 


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