python - PySide in windows - remove padding from corners -

for example if add qstatusbar window, see wide corner:

self.stat = qtgui.qstatusbar()        widlayout = qtgui.qvboxlayout() widlayout.addwidget(some_pannel) widlayout.addwidget(self.stat) self.setlayout(widlayout) 

enter image description here

from official documentation:

  • pyside.qtgui.qlayout.setcontentsmargins() sets width of outer border on each side of widget. width of reserved space along each of pyside.qtgui.qboxlayout ‘s 4 sides.
  • pyside.qtgui.qboxlayout.setspacing() sets width between neighboring boxes. (you can use pyside.qtgui.qboxlayout.addspacing() more space @ particular spot.)

so, basically:

widlayout.setspacing(0) widlayout.setcontentsmargins(0, 0, 0, 0) 


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