java - How to rewrite absolute paths when using play as proxy server? -

i trying use play (java - 2.3) proxy server publicly expose content internal http server.

so far managed of content want show unfortunately of stylesheets , scripts referenced using absolute paths and, of course, 404.

is there workaround or should ask other devs change paths these files?

my routes file looks this:

get     /proxy/*path                          controllers.gateway.testproxy.index(path) 

and forward content using method:

public static promise<result> index(string path) {     final promise<result> resultpromise = ws.url(""+path).get().map(             new function<wsresponse, result>() {                 public result apply(wsresponse response) {                     response().setcontenttype("text/html");                     return ok(response.getbody());                 }             }     );     return resultpromise; } 

edit: have scripts , stylesheets:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/fs/style.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/fs/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script> 

since resides in same assets folder ("/fs/") map folders require update play routes file every time developer other team change in way resources organised/stored. it's not nice solution imho, live that.

my biggest problem several jquery ajax calls request urls like:

$.ajax({   url: "/query",   processdata: false,   data: xmldocument }); 


$.ajax({   url: "/queryall",   processdata: false,   data: xmldocument }); 

any lot appreciated, thank you.

at end decided go more practical solution: asked other developers change ajax queries , use same uri pattern.

in way, created few different routes on routes file, depending on type of resource/call have forward:

i have like:

get     /                                           controllers.gateway.testproxy.index() 


public static promise<result> index() {     final promise<result> resultpromise = ws.url("").get().map(             new function<wsresponse, result>() {                 public result apply(wsresponse response) {                         response().setcontenttype("text/html");                     return ok(response.getbody());                 }             }     );     return resultpromise; } 

for html pages and

get     /$file<.*\.js$>                       controllers.gateway.testproxy.js(file) 

for js files. controller same 1 above except response content-type "text/javascript" of course.

regarding ajax queries, under same path , follow same mechanism.

thanks @m-z time.


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