c# - LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."} -

i using following code in controller

bluebusdb_context db = new bluebusdb_context(); list<selectlistitem> li =new list<selectlistitem>();  li = db.m_bluebus_states.select(s => new selectlistitem {text = s.state_name, value = convert.tostring(s.state_code)}).tolist();  viewbag.state = li; return view(); 

then in create view want bind dropdown , using bellow

@html.dropdownlist("state",viewbag.state list<selectlistitem>) 

i getting above error..

linq entities not support convert (see supported funuctions)

i first create anonymous type , convert selectlistitems better seperate concerns little bit:

li = db.m_bluebus_states        .select(s => new { s.state_name, s.state_code })        .asenumerable()        .select(x => new selectlistitem { text = x.state_name, value = x.state_code.tostring()})        .tolist(); 


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