c# - Can't send word documents (.doc and .docx) as email attachment from form -

i'm trying send email attachment form myself. works succesfully when add .pdf file attachment. fails when try .doc or .docx file.

i've added validation in javascript, accepts every file type need:

var validfiletypes = ["doc", "docx", "pdf", "tiff"]; 

this c# code check form , send email:

private bool sendjobmail()     {         var client = new mailerservicereference.iemailclient();         var succeeded = false;          string _recipient = "jobs@company.eu";         string _firstname = firstname.value;         string _lastname = lastname.value;         string _telnr = phone.value;         string _motivation = motivation.value;         string _sender = "info@company.eu";           int vacid = int32.parse(vacancyid.value);         string vactitle = _vacancies.find(vac => vac.id == vacid).title;         string subject = string.format("application {0} {1} {2}", _firstname, _lastname, vactitle);          _motivation += string.format("\n\n{0}{1}\n{2}\n{3}", _firstname, _lastname, email.value, _telnr);          //set , add attachment         string attachmentfilename = path.getfilename(cv.postedfile.filename);         attachment attachment = new attachment(cv.filecontent, attachmentfilename, mediatypenames.application.octet); //can interpret pdf , richtextdocument          contentdisposition disposition = attachment.contentdisposition; //disposition necessary mailing applications         disposition.creationdate = file.getcreationtime(attachmentfilename);         disposition.modificationdate = file.getlastwritetime(attachmentfilename);         disposition.readdate = file.getlastaccesstime(attachmentfilename);         disposition.filename = path.getfilename(attachmentfilename);         disposition.size = cv.postedfile.contentlength;         disposition.dispositiontype = dispositiontypenames.attachment;          try         {             client.open();             client.sendemail("companypublicsite", _sender, _recipient, subject, _motivation);             succeeded = true;         }         catch (exception e)         {             console.writeline(e.message);         }                 {             client.close();         }          return succeeded;     } 

if need additional code, let me know.


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