loopbackjs - How to use jsonschema for Loopback remoteMethod? -

in app want define json schemas custom api.

for example from: http://docs.strongloop.com/display/public/lb/remote+methods#remotemethods-example

module.exports = function(person){      person.greet = function(msg, cb) {       cb(null, 'greetings... ' + msg);     }      person.remotemethod(         'greet',          {           accepts: <generate definitions jsonschema>,           returns: <generate definitions jsonschema>         }     ); }; 

how that?

this right way?

my solution - validation decorator + remote method params object type

var validate = require('jsonschema').validate;  byschema = function (schema) {   return function (func) {      return function () {       var data = arguments[0],         callback = arguments[1];        var result = validate(data, schema);        if (result.errors.length > 0) {         // errors in request body         callback(null, {           success: false,           error: 'schema validation error',         });         return;       }       return func.apply(this, arguments);     };   }; };  defaultremotearguments = {   accepts: {     arg: 'data',     type: 'object',     http: function(ctx) {       return ctx.req.body;     }   },   returns: {     arg: 'data',     type: 'object',     root: true   } }; 


auth.login = byschema(require('<path shcemajson json request>'))   (function(data, cb) {     // process request   }); auth.remotemethod('login', defaultremotearguments); 

in solution contrib loopback explorer not useful, because request/response objects, not fields...

the correct way set type in returns attribute model name. in case write:

person.remotemethod(         'greet',          {           ...           returns: {type:'person', ...}         }     ); 


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