javascript - Smooth Transition On Hovering -

i've been working on finding way change out <img id="repair" src="" using :hover image called repair_h.svg. doing placing :hover on #repair #repair :hover , giving repair background-image:url not working , think there few reasons why.

that initial process...since did not work did research on how achieve correctly , found way achieve js. way less hackie other css , html solutions looking into.

using js ended working great purpose of need done although there's 1 piece i'd add , i'm not quite sure how it.

i'd add smooth transition between image's when hovered on.

link current build icon working on here called repair services


  <li>     <a href="#">     <img id="repair" src=""      onmouseover="this.src=''"       onmouseout="this.src=''" border="0" alt="about plumbing repairs in honolulu hawaii">     </img>    </a>  </li> 


function hover(element) {     element.setattribute('src', ''); }  function unhover(element) {     element.setattribute('src', ''); 

also if of have suggestions on away perform entire task without js , entirely html , css i'd open seeing how you'd :)


you can markup , css only:


 <a href="#">     <img id="repair" src="" border="0"          alt="about plumbing repairs in honolulu hawaii" />  </a> 


a {     background:url('') 0 0 no-repeat;     width:150px;     margin:0;     padding:0;     float:left; } img {     opacity:1;     transition:opacity .5s;     float:left; } a:hover img {     opacity:0;     transition:opacity .5s; } 



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