eclipse - Remove All Methodinvocation from JAVA Source AST -

hi find methodinvocation astvisitor , remove astrewrite when use "for loop" remove methods, remove first method invocation on ever call event. guess problem reason don't refresh ast , compiliationunit , icompilationunit or astrewrite don't know when , how can refresh remove in first event.

static void createast(icompilationunit unit) throws javamodelexception {     // create ast icompilationunits     compilationunit parse = parse(unit);     methodvisitor visitor = new methodvisitor();     parse.accept(visitor);     (methodinvocation metinv : visitor.getmethods1()) {         try {             //if declarated user.              if (metinv.resolvemethodbinding().getdeclaringclass().isfromsource()) {                 methodinvocremove(unit, metinv);             }          } catch (exception e) {             system.out.println("excepotion:" + e.getmessage());         }     } } 

this method remove methodinvocations.

private static void methodinvocremove(icompilationunit unit, methodinvocation met) {     try {         iproject project = unit.getjavaproject().getproject();         compilationunit astroot = parse(unit);         // create astrewrite         ast ast = astroot.getast();         astrewrite rewriter = astrewrite.create(met.getparent().getparent().getast());         rewriter.remove(met.getname().getparent(), null);         textedit edits;         edits = rewriter.rewriteast();         document document = new document(unit.getsource());         edits.apply(document);         // code adding statements         unit.getbuffer().setcontents(document.get());         unit.getbuffer().close();     } catch (malformedtreeexception e) {         system.out.println("exp!!!" + e.getmessage());     } catch (badlocationexception e) {         system.out.println("exp!!!" + e.getmessage());     } catch (javamodelexception e) {         system.out.println("exp!!!" + e.getmessage());     } catch (illegalargumentexception e) {         system.out.println("exp!!!" + e.getmessage());     } } 

this method find method invocation astvisitor. after every event on eclipse jdt call method.

public static void findmethod(iproject project) {     try {         if (project.isnatureenabled("org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature")) {             ipackagefragment[] packages = javacore.create(project).getpackagefragments();             (ipackagefragment mypack : packages) {                 if (mypack.getkind() == ipackagefragmentroot.k_source) {                     (icompilationunit unit : mypack.getcompilationunits()) {                         compilationunit parse = parse(unit);                     }                 }             }         }     } catch (coreexception e) {         system.out.println("exp!!!"+e.getmessage());     } } 

sample code of java file parse , modification.

public class methodinvoc {  private void invoc1() {     methoddeclar object1 = new methoddeclar();     system.out.println(object1.getstr()); }  private void invoc2() {     methoddeclar object2 = new methoddeclar();     system.out.println(object2.getstr()); }  private void invoc4() {     methoddeclar object3 = new methoddeclar();     system.out.println(object3.getstr()); } } 

after call event , run methodinvocremove above code change to:

 public class methodinvoc {  private void invoc1() {     methoddeclar object1 = new methoddeclar();     system.out.println(); }  private void invoc2() {     methoddeclar object2 = new methoddeclar();     system.out.println(object2.getstr());//not change :(  }  private void invoc4() {     methoddeclar object3 = new methoddeclar();     system.out.println(object3.getstr());//not change :(  } } 

you need cache astrewrite per compilationunit, remove methodinvocation nodes astrewrite.remove(...) , apply edits once.

so in pseudo-code:

astrewrite rewriter = astrewrite.create(astroot.getast()); (methodinvocation metinv : getallmethodinvocationstoremove()) {     rewriter.remove(metinv, null); } unit.applytextedit(rewriter.rewriteast(), new nullprogressmonitor()); 

to apply edits in rewriter, have had experiences code (where unit instance of icompilationunit) instead of using document:

unit.applytextedit(rewriter.rewriteast(), new nullprogressmonitor()); 

also might want @ post, , use icompilationunit.becomeworkingcopy icompilationunit.commitworkingcopy wrap changes: eclipse ast not changing files not opened in eclipse


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