c# - ASP.NET WF Identity with two way Authentication methods -

i have requirement develop asp.net web forms application supports 2 ways of authentication methods, @ first windows authentication (active directory) , regular user authentication (i think called application level authentication or web forms authentication).

the active directory located in local network of application's server.

at first application check if user located inside active directory (if not) go , check database application level authentication.

is possible develop application asp.net identity 2 way authentication methods checks if user windows authenticated or falls application level authentication? if yes please provide me example or tutorial or google =d.

from search found couple of questions didn't answered or didn't understand:

asp.net identity - multiple authentication methods

this closest question mine:

is possible configure new asp.net identity system support multiple authentication methods?


add project each type of authentication.

is approch? possible do? how should like? many layers of business layer?!

how allow multiple authentication methods in asp.net?

actually answer didn't quiet understand, explain answer in simpler way i'd appreciate that.

different way of authenfication in asp.net

i found question while writing mine, 1 of answers

... custom membershipprovider ....

should use this? different identity?

i know membership old technology got replaced identity , shouldn't use more.

this picture hope explains point bit simpler

this i'm trying do

many in advance , i'm sorry bad english.


the scenario be:

user opens login page enters username , password, application check active directory server if he's not in active directory check database of users.

so user single page not separate pages.


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