java - Limit max message size in log4j2 pattern -

in log4j 2, trim the end of messages written console appender when size above specified threshold.

i looked @ docs can see no option truncate end of "msg" field.

"%.1000msg" leave last 1000 chars of message.

this not me because in java inner frames in stack trace printed @ beginning of message.

any idea?

i think looking for: %.-1000m

here complete example console logger:

<configuration status="warn" monitorinterval="60" name="development">    <properties>     <property name="basedir">logs</property>   </properties>    <appenders>     <console name="console">       <patternlayout pattern="%p{length=1} | %-10.-10t | %d{hh:mm:ss,sss} | %.-1000m (%c{2}:%l) %n"/>     </console>       </appenders>    <loggers>          <root level="trace">       <appenderref ref="console" level="debug"/>     </root>          </loggers>  </configuration> 


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