iphone - How to use Image assets in iOS -

i use launch images xcasset; i've tried ways can't works.

i've standard launchimage asset, , image file called default[@2x,...]. using [uiimage imagenamed:@"launchimage"]; return nil. i've tried @"default", no results.

if want use compiled images separately in application:

by-default launchimage asset generate following files:

launchimage-700-landscape@2x~ipad.png launchimage-700-landscape~ipad.png launchimage-700-portrait@2x~ipad.png launchimage-700-portrait~ipad.png 

to find them use below:

uiimage* image = [uiimage imagenamed:@"launchimage-700-portrait"]; 

note: 3 steps required setup assets mentioned below. missing ?

my images:enter image description here

updating images in launch image source: enter image description here

drag , drop images in launchimage asset: enter image description here


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