c# - Do not refresh Inner Update Panel in asp.net -

i using 2 update panel in asp.net. second update panel inside main update panel. below :

<asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel1" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">    <contenttemplate>       <asp:updatepanel id="updatepanel2" runat="server" updatemode="conditional">          <contenttemplate>             // google map...          </contenttemplate>       </asp:updatepanel>    </contenttemplate> </asp:updatepanel> 

updatepanel1 contains dropdown , autupostback=true if user selects dropdown refreshs google map inside. not want refresh inside update panel anyway.

possible ?

people misunderstand way updatepanel works. mistakenly think that, there's no page reload when triggering postback occurs inside updatepanel. totally wrong. in fact full page reload taken place. it's not coincidence updatepanel located under category called ajax controls of toolbox. not work same ajax does, imitates it. when use updatepanel page not flicker top of page, normal behavior of full page reload, feeling of partial refresh. that's why, google maps you're talking gets refreshed. using real ajax want. jquery library has convenient way of doing ajax. or can use plain javascript.


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