Retrieve list of cookie in Salesforce -

i have shopping cart feature in salesforce page. i've created cookiejar class store cookie based on tutorial retrieve list of cookie. cart page retrieve 1 cookie contains 1 product. retrieve cookies i've stored. how do that?

apex controller:

public pagereference addtocart() {  for(displayproducts p : products) {     if(0 < p.qtytobuy) {         //create instance of cookiejar class, passing values entered in fields         cookiejar c = new cookiejar(p.productid,, string.valueof(p.qtytobuy));      } } pagereference pageref = new pagereference('/apex/cart'); pageref.setredirect(true); return pageref;  }   public string getcartcontents() {     string msg = '<ul>\n';      cookie thecookie;      thecookie = apexpages.currentpage().getcookies().get('productid');     if(thecookie != null)       msg +=thecookie.getvalue();       thecookie = apexpages.currentpage().getcookies().get('productname');     if(thecookie != null)       msg +=thecookie.getvalue();      thecookie = apexpages.currentpage().getcookies().get('qtytobuy');     if(thecookie != null)       msg += thecookie.getvalue(); }  public class cookiejar {          public cookiejar(string productid, string productname, string qtytobuy) {              cookie pid = new cookie('productid', productid,null,315569260,false);             cookie pname = new cookie('productname', productname,null,315569260,false);             cookie qty = new cookie('qtytobuy', qtytobuy,null,315569260,false);              //set page cookies using setcookies() method             apexpages.currentpage().setcookies(new cookie[]{pid, pname, qty});          }      }//end cookiejar inner class } 

vf cart page:

<apex:form >      <apex:pageblock title="your cart" id="shopping_cart">        <apex:outputtext value="{!cartcontents}" escape="false"/>  </apex:pageblock>  </apex:form> 

you have code require in question:


pagereference.getcookies() return map keys cookie.

map<string, system.cookie[]> cookiemap =   for(string cookiekey : cookiemap.keyset()) {     system.debug('cookie key: ' + cookiekey + ' value ' +          cookiemap.get(cookiekey).getvalue()); } 

incidentally, salesforce stackexchange site great place ask salesforce specific questions.


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