symfony - Functional tests inside a standalone Symfony2's bundle -

i need make functional tests directly in standalone bundle. don't want test controller, interaction between real services.

i know if there standard/best way that. did 1 way know if there better one.

here own solution (i summarize process testing in standalone bundle):

1. first, bundle has own composer.json define dependencies:

{     "name": "my/own-bundle",     "type": "symfony-bundle",     "description": "symfony2 bundle provides ...",     "keywords": ["my","own"],     "license": "mit",     "authors": [         {             "name": "john doe",             "email": ""         }     ],     "require": {         "php": ">=5.3.2",         "symfony/framework-bundle": ">=2.3"     },     "require-dev": {         "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"     },     "autoload": {         "psr-0": { "my\\ownbundle": "" }     },     "target-dir": "my/ownbundle",     "minimum-stability": "dev" } 

note use of dependency on symfony/framework-bundle needed our tests on services. can lower dependencies in specifying own real dependencies on symfony core.

with file can process command (do it) build vendor directory of bundle:

$ composer update 

2. then, set phpunit config file:

<!-- phpunit.xml.dist -->  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <phpunit backupglobals="false"          backupstaticattributes="false"          colors="true"          converterrorstoexceptions="true"          convertnoticestoexceptions="true"          convertwarningstoexceptions="true"          processisolation="false"          stoponfailure="false"          syntaxcheck="false"          bootstrap="tests/bootstrap.php" >     <testsuites>         <testsuite name="myownbundle test suite">             <directory>./tests/</directory>         </testsuite>     </testsuites>      <filter>         <whitelist>             <directory>./</directory>             <exclude>                 <directory>./resources</directory>                 <directory>./tests</directory>                 <directory>./vendor</directory>             </exclude>         </whitelist>     </filter> </phpunit> 

3. then, set php bootstrap autoload of class in test directory:

// tests/bootstrap.php  $file = __dir__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; if (!file_exists($file)) {     $file = __dir__.'/../../../../../../vendor/autoload.php';     if (!file_exists($file))         throw new runtimeexception('install dependencies run test suite.'); }  $autoload = require_once $file; 

these steps standard test in standalone bundle.

4. now, want simulate application make functionnal tests on services:

i need kernel class:

// tests/appkernel.php (you can define in subdirectory /fixtures if prefer)  use symfony\component\httpkernel\kernel; use symfony\component\config\loader\loaderinterface;  class appkernel extends kernel {     public function registerbundles()     {         $bundles = array();          if (in_array($this->getenvironment(), array('test'))) {             $bundles[] = new symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\frameworkbundle();             $bundles[] = new my\ownbundle\myownbundle();         }          return $bundles;     }      public function registercontainerconfiguration(loaderinterface $loader)     {         $loader->load(__dir__.'/config.yml');     } } 

and corresponding config.yml:

# tests/config.yml  framework:     secret: test     session:         storage_id:  my_own:     test: 2 

here example mock session. don't forget specify correct framework configuration nodes if want have access services (if don't specify node session, have no service session instance).

5. finally, can retrieve services following in test classes:

// tests/functional/handling/handler.php  namespace my\ownbundle\tests\functional\handling;  use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\test\webtestcase;  class handlertest extends webtestcase {     private $handler;      protected function setup()     {         require_once __dir__.'/../../appkernel.php';          $kernel = new \appkernel('test', true);         $kernel->boot();         $container = $kernel->getcontainer();         $this->handler = $container->get('my_own.handling.handler');     }      public function testhandle()     {         $this->assert($this->handler->handle());     } } 


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