javascript - BXSlider Pause Youtube Video When Switching Slides -

i have following example of bxslider, have 4 slides each having youtube video. problem when play video , go next slide, keeps on playing:

$(document).ready(function () { $('.bxslider').bxslider(); }); 

can out make youtube video pause when going next slide?

var slider = $("#gallery").bxslider({     adaptiveheight:true,     auto:true,      autostart:true,      autocontrols:true,      video:true,     onslideafter: function(slide){        if (slide.find("iframe:first").length) {            slider.stopauto();        }     } }); 

you might able use slide.find("div.fluid-width-video-wrapper:first") if use iframes other things in in slider.



var slider = $('.bxslider').bxslider({   onslideafter: function(slide, oldindex, currentslide){     oldslide = $( '.bxslider > li:nth-child(' + (oldindex+1) + ')');       youtubevideo = oldslide.find('iframe[src*=youtube]');       if ( youtubevideo.length ) {         youtubevideo.get(0).contentwindow.postmessage('{"event":"command","func":"pausevideo","args":""}','*');       }   } }); 



also make sure add ?enablejsapi=true the iframe src, otherwise above javascript not work (source).


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