postgresql - Rails schema.rb does not include new custom Postgres function -

i have created new custom postgres function via usual migration.

class createbestbowlingfigurefunction < activerecord::migration   def change     execute "create or replace function ......"   end end 

after migration, new function not available in schema.rb.

as per official doc, use command db:schema:load create schema before running tests.

so, best practice create custom functions before running tests?

schema.rb does not handle (see section 6.2 of rails 3.2.x guides , section 7.2 of rails 4 guides) views or custom functions. have view in our application , schema not work it.

we use structure.sql instead sets our view and, sense same apply here custom functions. use structure.sql instead of schema.rb:

this set in config/application.rb config.active_record.schema_format setting, may either :sql or :ruby.

you can use combination of schema.rb (for regular tables & index) , structure.sql (for custom functions). setup combo test environments:

bundle exec rake db:schema:load bundle exec rake db:structure:load 

in setup, note structure.sql has maintained manually while schema.rb maintained rails you.


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