combinations - generate a big list from a given list by enumeration in prolog -
i trying generate big list (2^n elements) small given list (n elements). example, there list [x,y,z], in x, y or z 0.1 or 0.9. pick 0.1 or 0.9 x, pick 0.1 or 0.9 y , pick 0.1 or 0.9 z sequentially, see xyz element of new list. there should 2^n elements in new list [0.001,0.009,0.009,...,0.729]
([0.1*0.1*0.1, 0.1*0.1*0.9, 0.1*0.9*0.1, ..., 0.9*0.9*0.9]
). how can new list given list? n parameter acquired given list,
trn(list_given,outlist):- length(list_given,n), ...
i want implement this,
?- trn([x,y],out). out=[0.01,0.09,0.09,0.81].
thanks in advance!
to generate possible combinations of values:
mem(l, e) :- member(e, l). gen_values(n, choices, values) :- length(values, n), maplist(mem(choices), values).
| ?- gen_values(3, [0.1, 0.9], l). l = [0.10000000000000001,0.10000000000000001,0.10000000000000001] ? l = [0.10000000000000001,0.10000000000000001,0.90000000000000002] l = [0.10000000000000001,0.90000000000000002,0.10000000000000001] l = [0.10000000000000001,0.90000000000000002,0.90000000000000002] l = [0.90000000000000002,0.10000000000000001,0.10000000000000001] l = [0.90000000000000002,0.10000000000000001,0.90000000000000002] l = [0.90000000000000002,0.90000000000000002,0.10000000000000001] l = [0.90000000000000002,0.90000000000000002,0.90000000000000002] (1 ms) yes
then need list multiplier:
prodlist(l, p) :- prodlist(l, 1, p). prodlist([x], a, p) :- p x * a. prodlist([x,y|t], a, p) :- a1 x * a, prodlist([y|t], a1, p).
then can of results findall/3
trn(list_given, outlist):- length(list_given, n), findall(x, (gen_values(n, [0.1, 0.9], values), prodlist(values, x)), outlist).
resulting in:
| ?- trn([_,_,_], out). out = [0.0010000000000000002,0.0090000000000000028,0.0090000000000000011,0.081000000000000016,0.0090000000000000011,0.081000000000000016,0.081000000000000016,0.72900000000000009] yes | ?-
you can use trn([x,y,z], out)
here, there's no point. define predicate length: trn(3, out)
note, there's slight floating point precision inaccuracy happening, yields long decimals. also, method doesn't take advantage of redundancy in calculations, it's not efficient approach. , finally, if n
(the length of input list) large, explode.
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