javascript - Active anchor tag changes on scroll using a id and a name -

as stated in title, having issues trying figure out how work. know there several examples of out there, not apply doing or code have.

i'm pretty deep project , cannot start over, have of accomplished cannot work when user scrolls on page , anchor tag in menu changes it.

is there simple solution using latest jquery , javascript coincide , ?

or going have literally start on over project?

here bit of code on have:

<nav id="menu" class="menu">                 <a class="menu-trigger"></a>                 <ul>                 <li><a href="#">:: join community ::</a></li>                 <li><a href="#home_wrapper" class="active">home</a></li>                 <li><a href="#about_wrapper">about</a></li>                 <li><a href="#advertise_wrapper">advertise</a></li>                 <li><a href="#central_wrapper">gp central</a></li>                 <li><a href="#contact_wrapper">contact</a></li>                 <li><a href="#career_wrapper">career</a></li>                 <li><a href="#press_wrapper">press</a></li>                 <li><a href="#">:: dashboard ::</a></li>             </ul>             </nav>   <div id="main_body">              <div id="about_wrapper">             </div>              <div class="clear"></div>              <div id="advertise_wrapper">             </div>              <div class="clear"></div>              <div id="central_wrapper">             </div>              <div class="clear"></div>              <div id="contact_wrapper">             </div>              <div class="clear"></div>              <div id="career_wrapper">             </div>              <div class="clear"></div>              <div id="press_wrapper">             </div>          </div> 

i've tried this:

$(window).scroll(function() { var windscroll = $(window).scrolltop(); $('.page').each(function(i) {     var postop = $(this).position().top,          h = $(this).height();      if (postop  <= windscroll && postop + h > windscroll ) {         $('.menu ul li').removeclass('active');         $('.menu ul li').eq(i).addclass('active');     } }); }); 

any appreciated!

found answer of 4dgaurav!

var sections = $('div')   , nav = $('.menu')   , nav_height = nav.outerheight();  $(window).on('scroll', function () {   var cur_pos = $(this).scrolltop();    sections.each(function() {     var top = $(this).offset().top - nav_height,         bottom = top + $(this).outerheight();      if (cur_pos >= top && cur_pos <= bottom) {       nav.find('a').removeclass('active');       sections.removeclass('active');        $(this).addclass('active');       nav.find('a[href="#'+$(this).attr('id')+'"]').addclass('active');     }   }); });  nav.find('a').on('click', function () {   var $el = $(this)     , id = $el.attr('href');    $('html, body').animate({     scrolltop: $(id).offset().top - nav_height   }, 500);    return false; }); 


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