beanstalkd - How can run beanstalkq worker in detached mode in rails -

we have implemented background jobs beanstalkq in rails application.

so, have below gem in gemfile.

gem 'stalker' 

now, of below command can start worker.

stalk jobs.rb 

but, @ ec2 server how can run in detached mode. in documentation, there no appropriate solutions.

can please us.

thanks in advance.

you may wish try screen command

screen -d -m -s screen_name command  

the -s option specifies inside screen window following command executed. per -d -m man page recites:

-d -m   start screen in "detached" mode. creates new session        doesn't  attach   it.    useful   system startup        scripts.  

something like:

screen -d -m -s rails stalk jobs.rb 

then can list screen sessions with

screen -ls 

and if want attach screen session use

screen -x [pid ls command above] 

and if hit control+a d when in attached session, detach it, or close shell/terminal window.


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