osgi - How to add a bundle manifest to an existing maven dependency? -

i using adobe xmp core dependency within maven file

<dependency>     <groupid>com.adobe.xmp</groupid>     <artifactid>xmpcore</artifactid>     <version>5.1.2</version> </dependency> 

the manifest.mf of bundle not suited osgi deployment, no bundle specific information provided. need add following lines manifest.mf

bundle-classpath: . bundle-version: 5.1.2 bundle-name: xmpcore     bundle-manifestversion: 2 bundle-symbolicname: com.adobe.xmp.xmpcore export-package:   com.adobe.xmp;version="5.1.2",  com.adobe.xmp.impl;version="5.1.2",  com.adobe.xmp.impl.xpath;version="5.1.2", 

is there way of unpacking maven artefact , exchanging provided manifest via maven dependency plugin or different way?

for runtime enhancement use pax url wrap project. if have bundle in environment add wrap: url-schema bundle installation auto-wrap bundle on fly.


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