Trying to Convert VB.Net to C# ViewState Issue - code

if viewstate("lstsetting") isnot nothing   username = viewstate("lstsetting")("email")   password = viewstate("lstsetting")("psw")   mhost = viewstate("lstsetting")("host").tostring.split(":")(1)   mport = viewstate("lstsetting")("port").tostring.split(":")(1) end if password = trim(dec(ondecrypt(trim(password)))) 

c# code

if (viewstate["lstsetting"] != null) {   username = viewstate["lstsetting"]("email");   password = viewstate["lstsetting"]("psw");   mhost = viewstate["lstsetting"]("host");   //.tostring.split(":")(1)   mport = viewstate["lstsetting"]("port");   //.tostring.split(":")(1) } password=strings.trim(modcommon.dec(modcommon.ondecrypt(strings.trim(password))));` 

error: method name expected...

error displayed here



should be

((dictionary<string, string>)viewstate["lstsetting"])["email"] 

actually, should retrieve viewstate["lstsetting"] once , use it. goes both code snippets.


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