intellij idea - Spring Batch default beans not included -

i use annotation driven configuration, no xml hell, including spring batch application spring mvc rest based application.

the spring-batch configuration file starts this:

@configuration @enablebatchprocessing public class batchconfig {      @autowired     jobbuilderfactory jobbuilderfactory;      @autowired     stepbuilderfactory stepbuilderfactory; [...] 

intellij puts mark on beans, telling me not autowire no beans of 'jobbuilderfactory' / 'stepbuilderfactory' type found. afaik annotation @enablebatchprocessing should make beans available.

the application compile, spring-batch seems included. in pom.xml added

<dependency>     <groupid>org.springframework.batch</groupid>     <artifactid>spring-batch-core</artifactid>     <version>3.0.2.release</version> </dependency> 

i can autowire other beans (private environment environment) in same file, autowiring works. steps need find solution? intellij issue compiles?

at moment intellij idea not support default batch context resolution:

to suppress warnings may annotate such fields like:

@suppresswarnings("springjavaautowiringinspection") @autowired jobbuilderfactory jobbuilderfactory; 


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