javascript - I want to print parent url in my iframe. Is it possible? -

i want print parent domain name in iframe. possible? share idea. in advance. :)

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parent page

<html><head><title></title></head> <frameset border="0" rows="100%,*" cols="100%" frameborder="no"> <frame name="topframe" scrolling="yes" noresize src=""> <frame name="bottomframe" scrolling="no" noresize></frameset> </html> 

iframe page (test.php)

<body> <h1 align="center">parent domain name</h1> </body> 

you pass whatever value php page , output within frame view?

<frame name="topframe" scrolling="yes" noresize src=""> 

then in test.php

<h1 align="center"><?php echo $_get['domain']; ?></h1> 


you try using window.parent.document.location.href javascript mentioned putvande. use document.writeln or jquery add value page. domain name like: window.parent.document.location.href.split("/")[2].


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