Apache Camel Multicast notifyBuilder fails -
of reason, queue_a not has 1 exchanges - has 0, unless add thread.sleep(100) test. guess whencompleted/whendone isn't done when says it's done. how can verify done?
multicast().parallelprocessing().to(queue_a, queue_b, queue_c, queue_d)
and testing with:
@test public void test() { notifybuilder notify = new notifybuilder(context) .from(queue_incoming) .whencompleted(1) .create(); template.sendbody(queue_incoming, streamtostring(loadresourceasstream("/data/testdata.xml"))); boolean matches = notify.matches(4, seconds); asserttrue("notify failed", matches); thread.sleep(100); //without this, fails verifyendpoints(1, context, queue_a, queue_b, queue_c, queue_d); } public static void verifyendpoints(int expectedsize, modelcamelcontext context, string... endpoints) { (string endpoint : endpoints) { browsableendpoint = context.getendpoint(endpoint, browsableendpoint.class); assertthat(string.format("endpoint exchanges '%s' has wrong size", endpoint), be.getexchanges(), hassize(expectedsize)); } }
and endpoint bean, using activemq when testing, going use websphere mq in prod:
<bean id="wmq" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.jmscomponent"> <property name="connectionfactory"> <bean class="org.apache.activemq.activemqconnectionfactory"> <property name="brokerurl" value="vm://localhost?broker.persistent=false" /> </bean> </property> </bean>
the problem browse wmq asap after sending message it, , therefore depending on broker implementation , timing etc, may not see last messages, when using jms browsing api.
and hence why seems fix when wait bit sleep.
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