- Sitecore ChromesTypes ( Dynamic Placeholder ) In WebForm -
i have repeater generate dynamic placeholder. in edit mode when chose usercontrol it, send me error: "uncaught loaded unexpected element while trying rendering html server. expecting last tag closing script marker16860737917440451880.js:5353 sitecore.pagemodes.chrometypes.placeholder.sitecore.pagemodes.chrometypes.chrometype.extend._frameloaded"
please me, tks , best regard
it issue: code in web application
this ascx file
<asp:repeater id="rpaccordion" runat="server" onitemdatabound="rpaccordion_onitemdatabound"> <itemtemplate> <asp:label runat="server" id="lblpageheading" text='<%#databinder.eval(container.dataitem,"name") %>'></asp:label> <div> <p> <sc:placeholder clientidmode="static" id="accordion_dynamic_1" runat="server" key="phmenuaccordion_dynamic_1" /> </p> </div> </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater>
this ascx.cs file
protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { item source = getitem(); if (source != null && source.getchildren().count > 0) { var filtersource = source.getchildren().where(s => s.version != null && s.versions.count > 0).tolist(); if (filtersource.count > 0) { rpaccordion.datasource = filtersource; rpaccordion.databind(); } } } protected void rpaccordion_onitemdatabound(object sender, repeateritemeventargs e) { try { var currentitem = (item)e.item.dataitem; if (currentitem != null && e.item.itemtype == listitemtype.item || e.item.itemtype == listitemtype.alternatingitem) { var placeholderaccordion = e.item.findcontrol("accordion_dynamic_1") placeholder; if (placeholderaccordion != null) { = "accordion_dynamic_" + convert.toint32(e.item.itemindex + 1); placeholderaccordion.key = "accordion_dynamic_" + convert.toint32(e.item.itemindex + 1); } } } catch (exception ex) { log.error(ex.message, ex, this); } }
and make these dynamic place holder editable in place holder setting
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