android - What is the proper way to create a link for mobile devices? -

so have interesting problem can't seem figure out what's going on. purchased mobile theme 1 of favorite places. theme works great except 1 area. there icon on top right allows user tap , shows social media sharing icons, user should able tap icon of choice , share on proper social site.

in browser, links seem work fine, when use droid or tablet, although show/hide social icons works fine, ability tap icon , share link not however.

here code section:

<div class="sharedialog sharedialogmenu"> <div class="sharedialogarrow"></div> <div class="sharedialogcontent">      <ul class="sharedialogiconlist">         <li><a href="mailto:?subject=subject&body=content"><div class="sharedialogmail"></div>mail link</a></li>          <li><a href="<?php echo urlencode(curpageurl()); ?>" target="_blank"><div class="sharedialogfb"></div>share link</a></li>          <li><a href="<?php echo urlencode($row['headline']); ?>&url=<?php echo urlencode(curpageurl()); ?>" target="_blank"><div class="sharedialogtwitter"></div>tweet link</a></li>     </ul> </div> </div> 

the links in fact share on social networks, in browser, not on mobile devices, , linking structure appears standard href tag. baffled why actual clicks not work on mobile device. thoughts or fresh set of eyes appreciated.

thank you.

i suggest problem div element within a elements.

divs block level elements, cannot reside within inline elements as. although use css style divs in question display: inline;

some browsers allow invalid use of block , inline elements, , close a element once div starts, meaning text won't link.

another solution use span instead of div.

hope makes sense, , helps fix issue.


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