file - How to fill a matrix with data in Fortran 90 -

i have issue, maybe stupid, code wrote. generated 30 datasets of 24 lines containing different values represent, however, same measure, can not print them in array format. let me explain, single column values, able write them matrix of 24 rows 30 columns. tried read various threads on site , on others, got matrices of zeros alternating values, how can do? following code wrote trying matrix "a" formed values of "diffu"

program deviation  implicit none   character(len=20) :: filein,fileout,fileinp  integer :: row,i,h,io,n,j,l,m,col  real :: usv,usf,tsv,tsf,su,st  real :: diffu, difft  real, dimension(24,30) ::  real, dimension(720) :: u  n = 39  row = 24  col = n-9  write(*,'(2x,''input file .......''/)')  read(*,'(a15)') filein  write(*,'(2x,''output file........''/)')  read(*,'(a15)') fileout   open(unit = 20,file=fileout)   = 0.    fileloop : = 10,n   fileinp = 'lin*27-'   write(fileinp, '("lin*27-",i2,".dat")')   open(unit = i+40,file=fileinp)   open(unit = 30,file=filein)    j = 1, row   read(30,*,iostat = io) h,usv,tsv   read(i+40,*,iostat = io) h,usf,tsf    if(io/=0)     write(*,*) 'end of file!'    exit    else if(io==0)     diffu = ((usf - usv)**2)     difft = ((tsf - tsv)**2)     write(20,*) diffu,difft      endif    enddo   enddo  close(i+40)  close(30)   enddo fileloop  close(20)   open(unit=20,status='old',file=fileout)   r = 1, 720   read(20,*,iostat = io) diffu,difft   u(r) = diffu   if(io/=0)   write(*,*) "error!"   exit   else if(io==0)    m = 1, 24     l = 1, col      a(m,l) = a(m,l) + u(r)      enddo    enddo  endif  enddo    write(*,*)  close(20)   end program deviation 


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