virtualbox - vb.customize 'storageattach' mounts my disk first time, but changes are lost after vagrant halt ; vagrant up -

i new vagrant , trying add second disk virtual machine cooking vagrant. figured out how attach disk when vm first booted, when bring machine down , again (with 'vagrant --provision' make sure provisioners run) changes make disk lost.

i ran both times logging , log output second run (the reboot after machine provisioned) shows storageattach command being executed. every file create under "/dev/shm" (which seems mount point second disk) disappears.

the failure mode is:

vagrant ...

 touch /dev/shm/some.file  ls /dev/shm/some.file   # see output here...  

vagrant halt

vagrant --provision

ls /dev/shm/some.file     #  no such file or directory.. did go ?  

any tips appreciated.

my vagrantfile is:


vagrant.require_version ">= 1.4.3" vagrantfile_api_version = "2" disk = './seconddisk.vdi' box_name="test"  vagrant.configure(vagrantfile_api_version) |config|     config.vm.define :master |master| = "centos65"         master.vm.box_url = ""         master.vm.provider "virtualbox" |v|           v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "4196"]  = box_name         end :private_network, ip: ""         master.vm.hostname = box_name     end      config.vm.synced_folder(".", "/vagrant",         :owner => "vagrant",         :group => "vagrant",         :mount_options => ['dmode=777','fmode=777']     )     config.vm.provider "virtualbox" |vb|         unless file.exist?(disk)             vb.customize ['createhd', '--filename', disk, '--variant', 'fixed', '--size', 1 * 1024]         end         vb.customize ['storageattach', :id,  '--storagectl', 'sata', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', disk]     end end 

and here log output of second 'vagrant --provision' [ using --provision ensure provisioning steps done each vagrant ]:

info sanedefaults: automatically figuring out whether enable/disable nat dns proxy...  info subprocess: starting process: ["c:\\program files\\oracle\\virtualbox\\vboxmanage.exe", "modifyvm", "ea5c09                              e7-11e7-4630-a7ca-ec66461b9eb6", "--natdnsproxy1", "on"] debug subprocess: selecting on io debug subprocess: waiting process exit. remaining timeout: 32000 debug subprocess: exit status: 0  info warden: calling in action: #<vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox::action::customize:0x3dc9818>  info interface: info: running 'pre-boot' vm customizations...  info interface: info: ==> master: running 'pre-boot' vm customizations... ==> master: running 'pre-boot' vm customizations...  info subprocess: starting process: ["c:\\program files\\oracle\\virtualbox\\vboxmanage.exe", "storageattach", "e                              a5c09e7-11e7-4630-a7ca-ec66461b9eb6", "--storagectl", "sata", "--port", "1", "--device", "0", "--type", "hdd", "-                              -medium", "./seconddisk.vdi"] debug subprocess: selecting on io debug subprocess: waiting process exit. remaining timeout: 32000 debug subprocess: exit status: 0 

thanks bmw engineered , stylish answer, , peter well. referenced article ( had magic, reproduce below in vagrant script , corresponding bootstrap file makes file system newly added second disk, , adds /etc/fstab. solves problem [ no more disappearing data ].


vagrant.require_version ">= 1.4.3" vagrantfile_api_version = "2"  disk = './seconddisk.vdi'  box_name="test"   vagrant.configure(vagrantfile_api_version) |config|     config.vm.define :master |master| = "centos65"         master.vm.box_url = ""         master.vm.provider "virtualbox" |v|           v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "4196"]  = box_name         end :private_network, ip: ""         master.vm.hostname = box_name     end      config.vm.synced_folder(".", "/vagrant",         :owner => "vagrant",         :group => "vagrant",         :mount_options => ['dmode=777','fmode=777']     )      # create second disk , attach     config.vm.provider "virtualbox" |vb|         unless file.exist?(disk)             vb.customize ['createhd', '--filename', disk, '--variant', 'fixed', '--size', 1 * 1024]         end          vb.customize ['storageattach', :id,  '--storagectl', 'sata', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', disk]     end      # new - invoke script  partitions new disk (/dev/sdb)      # , create mount directives in /etc/fstab     #config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""       config.vm.provision "shell" |shell|         shell.inline = "sudo /vagrant/"       end end 

bootstap script:

#!/bin/bash  -x  #   configure , mount second disk  # yum install -y parted parted /dev/sdb mklabel msdos parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary 512 100% mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb1 mkdir /mnt/disk echo `blkid /dev/sdb1 | awk '{print$2}' | sed -e 's/"//g'` /mnt/disk   xfs   noatime,nobarrier   0   0 >> /etc/fstab mount /mnt/disk 


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