c# - gDebugger doesn't show allocated textures with OpenTK -
i'm using opentk warpper c#, shaders weren't running correctly (i want generate vertex displacement shader using textures), pretend use gpu debugger see happening.
the application quite simple. creates game window, load shaders, textures , render textured cubes (so it's working fine, discovered problem trying use vertex displacement).
i used gdebugger , amd codexl same results. debugger detects shaders, vbos, etc never see allocated textures. have non-sense because when i'm running application see textured cube spinning around screen , debugger render object on back/front buffer.
for reference, here texture-loading function:
int loadimage(bitmap image,int tex) { int texid = gl.gentexture(); gl.bindtexture(texturetarget.texture2d, texid); system.drawing.imaging.bitmapdata data = image.lockbits(new system.drawing.rectangle(0, 0, image.width, image.height), system.drawing.imaging.imagelockmode.readonly, system.drawing.imaging.pixelformat.format32bppargb); gl.teximage2d(texturetarget.texture2d, 0, pixelinternalformat.rgba, data.width, data.height, 0, opentk.graphics.opengl.pixelformat.bgra, pixeltype.unsignedbyte, data.scan0); image.unlockbits(data); return texid; }
i searching more information, couldn't find error, i'm not sure if problem in wrapper, in function or must have else considered
it seems problem in wrapper, opentk.bindtexture different native glbindtexture, profiler can't catch call , that's why textures not shown. next step way native gl calls using opentk.
proposed solution:
as said, functions of opentk wrapper different native glcalls, when use functions gl.bindtexture, gl.gentexture (i suppose there more functions, don't know yet), opentk uses overloaded calls not match original calls , profilers can't catch it.
it's easy check, use opentk.gentextures or gl.bindtextures adding breakpoints profiler functions , never break.
now, solution, thinking , conclussion replace opentk calls native gl.dll calls using getprocaddress function.
this gives me ideas: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jonathanswift/archive/2006/10/03/dynamically-calling-an-unmanaged-dll-from-.net-_2800_c_23002900_.aspx
using opengl32.dll included in profiler, use same struct in previous link
static class nativemethods { [dllimport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern intptr loadlibrary(string dlltoload); [dllimport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern intptr getprocaddress(intptr hmodule, string procedurename); [dllimport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern bool freelibrary(intptr hmodule); }
this added in gamewindow class:
[unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)] private delegate void bindtexture(opentk.graphics.opengl.texturetarget target, int texid); [unmanagedfunctionpointer(callingconvention.cdecl)] private delegate void gentexture(int n, int[] arr_text);
and here new bindtexture function:
intptr pdll = nativemethods.loadlibrary(@"....\opengl32.dll"); intptr paddressoffunctiontocall = nativemethods.getprocaddress(pdll, "glbindtexture"); bindtexture bindtexture = (bindtexture)marshal.getdelegateforfunctionpointer(paddressoffunctiontocall, typeof(bindtexture)); bindtexture(opentk.graphics.opengl.texturetarget.texture2d, arr_texture[0]);
now if try again breakpoints in profiler, break glgentextures , glbindtextures, recognising allocated textures.
i hope helps.
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