c - How can client send and receive messages at the same time with sockets? -

i created chatroom clients , server , works. have problem of printing. problem client can write message , read message other clients @ same time. used thread both @ same time. works @ example problem :

here start writing first messhere received message interrupts writingand here continue writing

i don't know if it's clear : start writing message don't send yet because it's not on in same time message received prints after beginning of writing message , after can continue writing.

do have idea how fix problem ?

here client code :

void getmessage(char* message) {   size_t ln = -1;   while (ln <= 0 || ln > message_max-1) {     printf(">");     fgets(message, message_max, stdin);     ln = strlen(message) - 1;   }    if (message[ln] == '\n')     message[ln] = '\0'; }  void *thread_message(void *arg) {   char* message;   message = malloc (sizeof(char) * message_max);   int* sockfd = (int*)arg;    while (1) {     getmessage(message);     if (send(*sockfd, message, strlen(message), 0) == -1){       perror("client: send message");     }   }   pthread_exit(null); }  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   int sockfd, numbytes;     struct sockaddr_in their_addr;          // connector's address information    struct hostent *he;   char buf[message_max + pseudo_max];    // ...   }    while (1) {      if ((numbytes=recv(sockfd, buf, message_max+pseudo_max, 0)) == -1) {       perror("client: recv");       return exit_failure;     }      // ...         char* message;       message = malloc (sizeof(char) * message_max);        // here launch thread write message       pthread_t thread;       if (pthread_create(&thread, null, thread_message, &sockfd)) {       perror("pthread_create");       return exit_failure;       }     }      // here print messages receive     else     {       buf[numbytes] = '\0';       printf("%s",buf);     }    }    close(sockfd);   return exit_success; }  

thanks ! :)

one way solve problem: maybe using getch ncurses. save have inputted buffer. , display messages other clients , input in different line of terminal.

note: never used libncurses before, when see examples of ncurses, know can fulfill need of chat program. hope helps.


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