c++builder - Firemonkey C++, how to change font color and cell color in StringGrid, changing in ApplyStyleLookup -

i have made research of how dynamically @ run time change font color , cell background color, solutions in delphi code, , cannot used in c++.

like one:

cellctrl := tcolumnaccess( stringgrid1.columns[ col ] ).cellcontrolbyrow( row ); 

cellcontrolbyrow doesnt exist in fmx c++ builder. have tried use tgrid, make grid slow when each cell has drawn custom in event driven ondrawxxxx.

there solution changing font color , cell color in event onapplystylelookup, again solution in delphi doesn't exist in c++ builder, or don't know how implement in onapplystylelookup c++ builder style.

any on appreciated, since have been week in now.


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