Why my PHP get changed to a comment? -

on webpage view-source:http://cordbloodcenter.com/en/corporate/cord-blood.alej.html wrote short php code when check source code, php code font green -> change comment.

the php code is:

<?php $myfile = fopen("units.txt", "r") or die("unable open file!"); echo fread($myfile,filesize("units.txt")); fclose($myfile); ?> 

why php changed comment? help, -luxqs

the file extension .html not parsed php interpreter. can simple thing, , change file extension .php or make php parse .html files.

go php ini file. @ end find this:

addtype application/x-httpd-php .php 

change to:

addtype application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm 

and restart activate it. if use apache command:

httpd -k restart 

this quite straightforward. prefer keep .html , .htm extension , hide fact using php. why give away more information needed? (not obfuscation way implement security, cannot hurt). don't need make artificial distinction between pure html files , php file.

the downside html files go through php parser, , tiny load on server.


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