ios - Facebook Invite Tokens vs FBWebDialogs -

i submit ios app app store. it's first version of app doesn't have visible itunes connect link yet.

i trying develop "invite facebook friends" functionality. started following tutorial. able invite tokens have no idea how use send requests other users. there nothing in documentation it. possible @ all?

after couple of days of torture tried use fbwebdiealogs. using this

    [fbwebdialogs  presentrequestsdialogmodallywithsession:nil  message:@"try myapp"  title:nil  parameters:nil  handler:^(fbwebdialogresult result, nsurl *resulturl, nserror *error) {      if (error) {          // error launching dialog or sending request.          nslog(@"error sending request.");      } else {          if (result == fbwebdialogresultdialognotcompleted) {              // user clicked "x" icon              nslog(@"user canceled request.");          } else {              // handle send request callback           }      }  }]; 

to web view presents friends , able invite. problem invite on web , not on ios device. have fact app not approved apple app store link doesn't exist yet. game ios there no need have canvas platform facebook requires. there way avoid that?

where go here?


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