netlogo - ask one agent set to get a value from another agent set -
my sellers set trade_price code:
ask buyers [ ask sellers [if any? buyers-here [ if seller_price <= [buyer_price] of myself [ set trade_price seller_price + random ([buyer_price] of myself - seller_price) ]]]]
i want buyers took same trade_price if have seller in same patch.(if any? sellers-here). , code so:
ask sellers [ ask buyers [if any? sellers-here [set trade_price ( [trade_price] of myself )]]]
i think wrong code because got different trade_price s agent couples. have idea how can set it? best reagrds
as far can tell, you're trying this:
ask buyers [ let candidate one-of sellers-here if candidate != nobody [ set trade_price [trade_price] of candidate ] ]
note there no ask sellers
around this. want each buyer run once each time through go
note if there multiple sellers on patch, one-of sellers-here
picks 1 randomly.
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