ruby - convert mysql result to array or hash -

sql query:-

class test def self.execute_mysql(host, database, query)     net::ssh.start('', user, forward_agent: true) |ssh|       ssh.exec!("mysql -ppassword -utestuser -h #{host} #{database} -a --execute '#{query}'") end end 

command run:-

result = test.execute_mysql('app', 'sample', 'select * foo') 

result string:-

id  name address age 1   ram 25 2   sam 30 3   jack india 32 . . . . 100 peterson 27 

result variable returns string class. suppose returns 100 can loop through each record ?

are looking this?

 > result  => "id  name address age\n1   ram 25\n2   sam 30\n3   jack india 32"  > result.split(" ").each_slice(4){|e| print e }  => ["id", "name", "address", "age"]["1", "ram", "us", "25"]["2", "sam", "us", "30"]["3", "jack", "india", "32"] 


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