javascript - Angular custom directive: a strange error occurs when set controller attribute to `function(scope){}` -

when wrote custom directive, strange error blocks me.

angular.module('app.directives', []) .directive('cymenu', ['recursionhelper', function(recursionhelper) {     function postlink(){};     return {         restrict: 'e',         templateurl: 'views/component/cy-menu.html',         replace: true,         transclude: false,         require: '?^cymenu',         controller: function ($scope) { // when set argument($scope) scope, error occurs.             this.getlist = function() {                 return $scope.list;             }         },         scope: {             list: '=',             issubmenu: '@'         },         compile: function(telement) {             return recursionhelper.compile(telement, postlink);         }     } } 

as pointed out(see comment), when set controller attribute controller: function (scope) {}, error occurs:

error: [$injector:unpr] unknown provider: scopeprovider <- scope$injector/unpr?p0=scopeprovider%20%3c-%20scope ... 

i don't know why. appreciated.


here angular's official demo, looks similar directive

angular.module('docstabsexample', []) .directive('mytabs', function() {   return {     restrict: 'e',     transclude: true,     scope: {},     controller: function($scope) {       ...     },     templateurl: 'my-tabs.html'   }; }) 

a practice separate every component in separate file, start putting controller in file :

//file recursionhelpercontroller.js (function() {   'use strict';    angular     .module('app.controllers')     .controller('recursionhelpercontroller', recursionhelpercontroller);    recursionhelpercontroller.$inject = ['$scope'];    function recursionhelpercontroller($scope) {      //do stuff   }  })(); 

note gave correct format know controller or angular element in general, can simpler like:

angular.module('app.controllers') .controller('recursionhelpercontroller', ['$scope', function($scope) {          //do stuff       }]) 

you can call controller in main file :

controller: 'recursionhelpercontroller' 

hope helps

update :

sometimes automatic injection has troubles that's why recommend doing way explicit injection. angular doc shows simplest way clarity , tutorial purposes

update 2

if don't want separate controller, try using injection safe notation

controller : ['$scope', function($scope) {      //do stuff   }]) 


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