java - MAVEN to change the file structure while execution of Unpack -

i ci setup have deploy zip file nexus tomcat server. below deployment pom.

<execution>          <id>unpack</id>             <phase>install</phase>          <goals>            <goal>unpack</goal>          </goals>             <configuration>                 <artifactitems>              <artifactitem>                <groupid>//</groupid>                <artifactid>//</artifactid>                <version>//version</version>                <classifier>bin</classifier>                <type>zip</type>                <overwrite>true</overwrite>                <outputdirectory>//tomcat folder </outputdirectory>                <includes>**/*.war,appconf/dev/*.properties</includes>                 </artifactitem>            </artifactitems>             <includes>**/*.properties</includes>              </configuration>         </execution> 

i provided includes , property file under dev below


so creates test folder , place property files inside.i want skip dev folder property file has copied , put directly inside test fodler. of tomcat directory looks test\dev\ need change test\ when unpack zip file.

help me resolve issue using maven.


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