php - OS X install libcurl / Solr installation -

i set default apache server php on os x yosemite, installed pear, installed solr brew (brew install solr) , trying install solr extension php pecl using

pecl install solr 

this gives me error

configure: error: please reinstall libcurl distribution -     easy.h should in <curl-dir>/include/curl/ error: `/private/tmp/pear/install/solr/configure --enable-solr-debug=no --with-curl=/usr --with-libxml-dir=/usr' failed 

however, curl command available in terminal. did give wrong path when asked during installation

enable solr debugging (compiles solr in debug mode) [no] :  libcurl install prefix [/usr] :  libxml2 install prefix [/usr] :  

and, if yes, how find right path? or need install curl again and, if yes, best way , can using homebrew?

i same problem libxml2, won't i?

thanks guys!

the problem solved installing os x developer tools.

you can via terminal executing

xcode-select --install 

i hope may having same problem!


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