java - Axis client sends three request for each Call.invoke() method -

hi working on webservice client using apache axis 1.4. below stub code:

soapenvelope soaprequest = new soapenvelope();     service service = new service(); _call = createcall();         commonshttpsender reqhandler = new commonshttpsender();         commonshttpsender resphandler = new commonshttpsender();         _call.setoperation(_operations[0]);         _call.setclienthandlers(reqhandler, resphandler);         _call.setusesoapaction(true);         _call.setsoapactionuri("");         _call.setencodingstyle(null);         _call.setproperty(, boolean.false);         _call.setproperty(org.apache.axis.axisengine.prop_domultirefs, boolean.false);         _call.setsoapversion(org.apache.axis.soap.soapconstants.soap11_constants);  _call.invoke(soaprequest); 

while calling invoke method sending request 3 times.

if remove setclienthndler function send once.but need function in code.

please suggest method send single time.


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