entity framework - How to convert byte[] to string in c# -
to prevent concurrency have included field version timestamps type. don't no how convert version value string. please me solve problem.
using (mmp2012entities context = new mmp2012entities()) { var res = (from in context.lin_laundry_issues join sub in context.lin_laundry_iss_sub on i.issue_number equals sub.issue_number join in context.mmp_items on sub.item_id equals it.id i.issue_number==id && i.hospital_id==hospid && sub.status_ind==1 select new laundry_issuerecieptlist { issue_date = i.issue_date, collected_by = i.collected_by, authorised_by = i.authorised_by, laundry_id = i.laundry_id, item_id = sub.item_id, item_name = it.name, qty_issued = sub.qty_issued, rate = sub.rate, issue_number=i.issue_number, subissueid=sub.laundry_trans_sub_id, status_ind=sub.status_ind, version=sub.version }).tolist(); return res; }
you can use function:
private string bytearraytostring(byte[] ba) { stringbuilder hex = new stringbuilder(ba.length * 2); foreach (byte b in ba) { hex.appendformat("{0:x2}", b); } return hex.tostring(); }
and reverse
private byte[] stringtobytearray(string hexstring) { int length = hexstring.length; int upperbound = length / 2; if (length % 2 == 0) { upperbound -= 1; } else { hexstring = "0" + hexstring; } byte[] bytes = new byte[upperbound + 1]; (int = 0; <= upperbound; i++) { bytes[i] = convert.tobyte(hexstring.substring(i * 2, 2), 16); } return bytes; }
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