java - struts2 2.3.20 ognl allowStaticMethodAccess -

i updated project struts2 version 2.3.20 . cases in jsps uses static method access not work.


<s:set var="linkescaped"  value="@org.apache.commons.lang.stringescapeutils@escapehtml(" /> 

i have set in ->


and tried in struts.xml ->

<constant name="struts.ognl.allowstaticmethodaccess" value="true"/> 

with no success. know has changed , need enable them again?


lukasz lenart commented:

to clear, in context of 2.3.20 it's bug , temporally fixed, see 2.5 access static methods dropped.


allowing static method access never preferred way of doing things , in 2.3.20 won't work if struts.ognl.allowstaticmethodaccess set true.

from wiki:

accessing static methods

in case still use static methods in expressions (setting struts.ognl.allowstaticmethodaccess true) please aware won't work anymore internal security mechanism consider access java.lang.class on excluded list of classes (see above). temporary solution copy above struts.xml , remove java.lang.class excluded classes.

support accessing static methods expression disabled soon, please consider re-factoring application avoid further problems! please check ww-4348.

also ww-4429.


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