jsf - ViewState lost after AJAX request -

i have strange error following code:

<h:form id="myform">     <h:panelgroup id="mypanelgroup">      ...        <h:commandbutton             value="randomtext"              action="#{mybean.action}" tabindex="301"                     <f:ajax execute=":mypanelgroup" render=":messages @form"/>        </h:commandbutton>        </h:panelgroup>     ... </h:form> 

so problem after click on button form (myform) looses viewstate after render. strange in dev env working, on other server not. have made common mistake kind of execute/render pair settings or else cause such problem? wondering 2 servers have different mojarra version or that.

the messages in render attribute id of panelgroup in other form.

the container weblogic server jsf 2.1.

any ideas?


so found out common jsf issue can solved following library:


more info: http://balusc.blogspot.hu/2011/09/communication-in-jsf-20.html#ajaxrenderingofcontentwhichcontainsanotherform


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