How to keep track of slightly differing codebases in a single git repository -

we run multiple webshops multiple languages, , want version them git. differ slighly - lines of css, different php file, additional image. alltogether 98% same among languages, single repository great. how can achieve this?

here ideas:

  • in css, body tag gets class "lang-en" or "lang-fr", selectors can language specific.
  • for language files, .gitignore on target system can great job.
  • for configuration, main , .gitignored file can contain language.

but how slight changes in 3rd-party-php-code? there way tell git part of file check out? like

aaaaa ---git checkout if lang=en--- bbb ---git endif--- ccc 

sorry incorrect naming, buti don´t know how call want.


edit: idea: language-neutral version main repository, , differences git submodules. work?


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