javafx - Calling Fxml file using Start Method which extends Application Class -

i want make new fxml file has few controls label. when run application times not showing , sometime when form showing label not showing.

i have written following code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <?import javafx.scene.text.*?> <?import java.lang.*?> <?import*?> <?import java.util.*?> <?import javafx.scene.*?> <?import javafx.scene.control.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>  <anchorpane id="anchorpane" prefheight="603.0" prefwidth="1063.0" styleclass="mainfxmlclass" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="com.dashboard.dashboardcontroller">     <stylesheets>         <url value="@dashboard.css" />     </stylesheets>    <children>       <label fx:id="welcome" layoutx="403.0" layouty="52.0" text="label" />    </children>  </anchorpane> :

import; import java.util.resourcebundle; import javafx.fxml.fxml; import javafx.fxml.initializable; import javafx.scene.control.label;  /**  * fxml controller class  *  * @author dell  */ public class dashboardcontroller implements initializable {      /**      * initializes controller class.      */     @fxml     private label welcome;     @override     public void initialize(url url, resourcebundle rb) {         // todo     }      } :

package com.dashboard;  import javafx.application.application; import static javafx.application.application.launch; import javafx.fxml.fxmlloader; import javafx.scene.parent; import javafx.scene.scene; import javafx.scene.control.label; import javafx.scene.image.image; import javafx.stage.stage; import javafx.stage.stagestyle;  public class dashrun extends application{        @override     public void start(stage stage) throws exception {         parent root = fxmlloader.load(getclass().getresource("dashboard.fxml"));         scene scene = new scene(root);           label = new label();         stage.settitle("dash board");         stage.setscene(scene);    ;     }     public static void main(string[] args) {         launch(args);     }  } 


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